Home > News > Dean News > College of Logistics and Supply Chain , M.Water Co., Ltd. provided 990 bottles of bottled water for ACM Cup 3
College of Logistics and Supply Chain , M.Water Co., Ltd. provided 990 bottles of bottled water for ACM Cup 3

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2025-01-03 09:46:20

December 11th, 2024.

College of Logistics and Supply Chain

Under the leadership of Assistant Professor Chanicha Moryadee, Dean of the School of Logistics and Supply Chain, M.Water Co., Ltd. provided 990 bottles of bottled water for ACM Cup 3, which will be held on Friday, December 13, 2024.

Mr. Thanapat Suwannaklang, Head of Air Cargo Management (ACM), as well as lecturers and student representatives of the discipline.

Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University Nakhon Pathom Campus School of Logistics and Supply Chain