Home > News > Dean News > ugust 28, 2024,Asst.Prof.Dr. Chattrarat Hotrawaisaya , Dean of the College of Logistics and Supply with Professor of Logistics Management in the area for inspection. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the project, accelerate and expand the results
ugust 28, 2024,Asst.Prof.Dr. Chattrarat Hotrawaisaya , Dean of the College of Logistics and Supply with Professor of Logistics Management in the area for inspection. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the project, accelerate and expand the results

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2024-09-10 11:56:52

August 28, 2024, Asst.Prof.Dr. Chattrarat Hotrawaisaya , Dean of the College of Logistics and Supply Chain , and academic professor of logistics management down the area for inspection. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the project, expedite and expand the results of personnel development courses in accordance with the guidelines CWIE+EEC Model Type A (CWIE+EEC Model Type A Master Class) in the annual higher education institution budget.Prof. 2024 combined with the host department Office of the Permanent Secretary for Higher Education Science, Research and Innovation consists of

1. Project Management Committee

Ms. Pran Phon  

Academic position, investment promotion, operations

Office of Investment Promotion Board

2. Project Working Group

2.1 Dr. Sarawut Sirikasem Suk

Deputy Director of the Academic Promotion and Registration Office

Rajamong Khl Suvarnabhumi University of Technology

2.2 Mrs. Schuli, Srinagar  

Specialized expert study subject.

2.3 Mr. Mandate Chuan Taro

Academic practitioners.

3. Mentor of the course that participated in the program

Teacher.Warnat Sri Chiang Rai

Head of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Course

Graduate Business University

At Dhabi Company A (1991) Public Company Limited (J.E. Prachin Buri) led the welcome team by Mr. Avika Te Suwan, Director of Transportation. And student mentors

The presentation of the work was presented.Participating in the project of 6 people as follows

Project 1: Ms. Thanana Ratana Sarasorn Warakrant

Project 2: Ms. Pichita Chasakrasin

Project 3: Miss Rising West

Project 4: Mr. Phrao Amat, Merit Sublime

Project 5: Mr. Scroll, Loop Pongpit

Project 6: Ms. Pran Phrae Peshrae