Home > News > Activities News > Dr. Wiriya Boonmalert, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of College of Logistics and Supply Chain, presided over the 1st meeting of subcommittee of academic affair in 2019 at the meeting room in Building 2, 4th floor, Nakhon Pathom Campus.
Dr. Wiriya Boonmalert, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of College of Logistics and Supply Chain, presided over the 1st meeting of subcommittee of academic affair in 2019 at the meeting room in Building 2, 4th floor, Nakhon Pathom Campus.

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2019-04-01 13:31:46

Dr. Wiriya Boonmalert, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of College of Logistics and Supply Chain, presided over the 1st meeting of subcommittee of academic affair in 2019 at the meeting room in Building 2, 4th floor, Nakhon Pathom Campus.

Meeting of Subcommittee of Academic Affair No. 1/ 2019

1 -62.pptx
