Home > News > Activities News > The College of Logistics and Supply Chain, led by Dr. Phuttiwat Waiwutthanabhumi, Deputy Dean for Research and Development, attended the event “Thai Parliament… Joining Forces for Road Safety”
The College of Logistics and Supply Chain, led by Dr. Phuttiwat Waiwutthanabhumi, Deputy Dean for Research and Development, attended the event “Thai Parliament… Joining Forces for Road Safety”

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2025-01-03 10:38:15

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

The College of Logistics and Supply Chain, led by Dr. Phuttiwat Waiwutthanabhumi, Deputy Dean for Research and Development, attended the event “Thai Parliament… Joining Forces for Road Safety” and presented the research results on “Innovative Smart Vehicle Tracking Device Project with Logistics Management System Development” from the National Competitiveness Enhancement Fund Management and Administration Unit (NCRM), the co-funder, and the co-researcher from Absolute Solution Co., Ltd., Mr. Amnat Srijareon, and Assistant Professor Dr. Rungrawan Ratchan

at the Seminar Room, B1 Floor, Sappayasaphasathan (Parliament)